
" It's refreshing to take part in the friendly and entertaining exchange of stories without the need for any sort of technology."

Malcolm Campbell, Community Worker, West End Community House

Community Storytelling Groups are

easy and fun
They enable groups and individuals to

highly accessible
discover and share their stories

flexible and adaptable
learn new skills and confidence

low cost
involve a wide range of community members

suitable for most ages
develop community pride and awareness


A good way to follow up on community support for a storytelling group is with a number of storytelling workshops. The workshops can introduce a range of storytelling and group facilitation and maintenance skills and initiate a series of community storytelling sessions. The workshops can also present a wide range of story and storytelling resources existing in libraries, the internet, storytelling guilds and festivals.


Community Storytelling Groups can make use of a wide range of different types of stories and themes to explore and build local community. These can include:

personal and family stories
traditional stories from cultural groups

stories from local history
stories of disadvantaged groups

stories about local successes
folk tales and fairy tales

contemporary stories about the local environment, characters or problems

Linking and Development

Once established, your Community Storytelling Group provides lots of opportunities to involve other community groups. Your local group could explore, for example, different local themes to involve different community groups or you could initiate a cross artform community cultural development project. Examples include:

the group visits local hostels and aged care centres with a reminiscence story set
group works with local musicians and community groups to use stories as a basis for song writing and concert performance

local history and cultural group stories transformed into murals
local stories become basis of a community web site

catering & hospitality trainee course participants involved in performance and arts cafe
link up with local choir to run combined storytelling / choral concerts

run a fundraising storytelling concert for a local charity or community service organisation

Examples of Community Storytelling Groups

West End Community Storytelling Group
Queensland Storytelling Guild

For more information about 'Community Storytelling Groups'

fill in the request below or phone 07 3846 3135

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more information about Community Storytelling Groups

especially information about

to discuss general possibilities

to arrange a community consultation meeting

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Daryll Bellingham, Storyteller
P.O. Box 5300, West End, Q4101, 
Brisbane, Australia
Tel. 61 (0)7 3846 3135
Mob. 0417 478408
All contents copyright © 2002, Daryll Bellingham. All rights reserved.
Revised: 16th April,2002
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